Isles of the Forgotten King
Character Creation
In the following section, one will find the rules and basic information on creating a character. More detailed information on the game world can be found later in the document.
The following are the steps to make a new character for Isles of the Forgotten King.
Choose your character's Home Kingdom.
A character's home kingdom gives a player a better idea of the races and classes commonly found there.​
Choose your character's Race.
A character's race gives the player the number of skill, and background points available to them.
Choose your character's Classes.
Skill points are spent to choose the character's classes, one can also buy extra backgrounds.
Choose your character's Backgrounds.
Backgrounds are special added touches to make a character unique, even among those of the same class.​
It is important to know what kingdom the character’s home Kingdom so that the player starts to get an idea of where the character came from and what kind of people they have met in their lives so far. The following is just a quick look at each of the kingdoms of the Isles of the Forgotten King. Players can find more information in the Kingdoms section of the handbook.
Delbin is located on the largest island of the Islands of the Forgotten King. It is in the center of the group of islands and shares sea borders with every other land. Aside from the main island, there are eight smaller islands within the territory. The common Delbinian tends to be very nationalistic and has an active moral code. Farmers and craftsmen are held with high regard within the country.
Government: Delbin is a monarchy, but because of the craftsmen roots of the kingdom, there are also three powerful merchant guilds; The White Hand, The Counting House, and Link’s Trading Company. In previous administrations, these guilds held nearly as much political sway as the Regional Dukes, if not more. Ever since King Elgin III took the throne, they have been losing political clout. This change has been good for small companies and the ordinary person, but those who line their pockets with funds from one of these guilds are not pleased with the changes. With the death of King Elgin and the war to settle the line of succession, many are seeking out power for themselves.
Culture: Delbinian Culture is centered on agriculture, with feudal lords allowing serfs to farm the land for a share of their crops in taxes but also administering to the health and wellbeing of said serfs. As many of the citizens of Delbin are elves, they follow traditions of honoring and respecting the sacred sept tree of their ancestors.
Population: 3 Million
Race: 60% Elves, 30% Day Elf, 10% Other
Religion: 30% Solice, 20% Mala, 15% Thurn, 15% Lillia, 10% Adaly
Unlinked: 6% of the population
The word kingdom is only used for the Dwarven lands when a citizen travels in the overland. A much more apt term would be “Dwarven Empire”, as they are made up of five separate kingdoms. Each kingdom is ruled according to their own traditions that vary from one another. Little however is known of the Dwarven Empire due to the somewhat xenophobic attitude of the Dwarves. What is known of their Underground Empire is that it extends under all of the known isles and that they are often in conflict with Soterios because of this. The only place the dwarves allow outsiders is the City of Tordire. Here, all manner of goods is traded with the world above in great halls of stone.
Government: The Dwarven Empire is lead by a parliament of thanes, every hundred years the group elects the High Thane of the Empire. Each kingdom’s Thane is chosen in different ways, but mostly it is an inherited position.
Culture: Dwarven culture is centered on trade skills. Honor is gained from one’s own deeds and crafts as well as the deeds and crafts of one’s ancestors. For this reason, important deeds of one’s own, and those of their ancestors become a part of a dwarf’s name.
Population: 6 Million
Race: 99.9% Dwarf, .1% Other
Religion: 50% Thurn, 30% Mala, 10% Nen, 10% Other
Unlinked: 8% of the population
Located on the second largest island of the Islands of the Forgotten King, Odesben is known most for the great desert at the heart of the island. The southernmost island, it shares its borders with Deblin and Pedear. The Kingdom consists not only of the central island but seven smaller islands besides. The people of Odesben are broken into economic castes, with slaves filling the lowest rungs while nobility fills the highest.
Government: Odesben is a monarchy run on the backs of a strict caste system. It is nearly impossible to move upward in station, but much more likely to move downward. Women can rarely hold power or property in this nation.
Culture: In Odesben society wealth and power are the basis for honor. Personal honor is valued above all else. As slaves and women cannot hold either of these things they are considered to have no honor of their own, but they share in the honor of their families and owners.
Population: 1.9 Million
Race: 70% Elves, 20% Orc, 7% Night Elf, 3% Other
Religion: 40% Nen, 30% Marcus, 15% Lilia 10% The Ladies, 5% Other
Unlinked: 3% of the population
Pedear is located on the northernmost island of the Isles of the Forgotten King. It shares its mountainous northern border with Soterios, and disputes often break out between the mirrored nations. Not as interested in expansion as its allies and neighbors, Pedear only claims six smaller islands near its main borders. A very socialist society, other races have a hard time acclimating to their customs. Those odd Day Elf citizens who struggle with the extreme balance oriented way of life often leave to become adventures or simply settle down in other countries.
Government: Pedear is a Meritocracy with a socialist economic and social system. The government run by a ruling council made entirely of Diplomat Sept Day Elves, and lead by an Adjudicator elected from within the council.
Culture: A socialist society with a strong moral code. Contributing to the community is seen as most valuable thing one can do, and those who cannot contribute are still taken care of. Rivalries and quarrels still happen at every level of society, but only because individuals disagree on what is best for the overall community. Greed is considered the highest taboo among the Day Elves of Pedear.
Population:1.5 Million
Race:80% Day Elf, 10% Elf, 8% Beastial 2% Other
Religion:60% The Ladies, 20% Mala, 10% Other
Unlinked:1% of the population
Soterios is located on the northernmost island of the Isles of the Forgotten King. It shares its mountainous southern border with Pedear, and disputes often break out between the mirrored nations. As a kingdom, they are always looking for new sources of raw materials and slaves. Soterios has expanded the furthest into the Wildlands and over the last few generations claiming large chunks of its land. They have conquered eight islands spreading out from their mainland and eagerly looks to both Pedear and the Wildlands for their next expansion.
Government: Soterios has a monarchy, which is run by five great houses: Byros, Dalvir, Ellinos, Haalsil, Oros and several more minor ones. The stronger the house, the more influence they have over the country. The balance of power between these houses tends to fluctuate from one generation to the next.
Culture: A matriarchal society with strong family traditions, most Soterians are very nationalistic and look down on all other kingdoms. Rivalries between families and Houses are typical, but there is an unspoken etiquette to even this. They see themselves as the height of civilization with everyone else in the world stumbling to catch up.
Population: 1.6 Million
Race: 70% Night Elf, 20% Day Elf, 10% Other
Religion: 60% The Ladies, 20% Mala, 10% Other
Unlinked: 4% of the population
The Wildlands is located on several of the western islands of the Isles of the Forgotten King. Some would say it is the hottest. Active volcanoes and hot springs feed a large and thriving jungle. This mostly untamed wilderness has not changed much since the fall of the Forgotten King’s empire. The people of this land are separated and have no truly unifying structure.
Government: The Wildlands is separated into tribes. There are seven main tribes within these lands and many smaller groups that usually pay some kind of tribute to the more powerful tribes. The seven main tribes are the Bloodvine, Fangbright, Fireborn, Mubgrump, Overblade, Proudhill, Reefwind, Sacred Dance, and Thorngorge.
Culture: Delbinian Culture is centered on agriculture, with feudal lords allowing serfs to farm the land for a share of their crops in taxes but also administering to the health and wellbeing of said serfs. As many of the citizens of Delbin are elves, they follow traditions of honoring and respecting the sacred sept tree of their ancestors.
Population: 1 Million
Race: 70% Orc, 20% Elven, 10% Other
Religion: 35% Mala, 25% Freya, 15% Pernus, 15% Nen, 10% Other
Unlinked: 5% of the population
By choosing a race the player will find out how many skill and background points they have to spend during character creation. Each race has 3-6 skill points, with most races having an average of 5. Background points range from 0-2. It is important to know how many points the character has before choosing their class. Some races have multiple types within the race, for those races, the player must choose which subtype of that race their character will be. The following section is just a quick look at each race, the player can find further details in the Races section.
Skill points: 5
Background Points: 1
Availability: Uncommon
Appearance: A Beastial’s appearance is highly dependant on what animal they are connected to and what physical aspect of that animal runs in their family. Ears, tail, and claws are the most commonly found adopted aspects, but fur or scales have also traits that have appeared.
Vulpine (Fox)- Vulpines tend to be skittish and watchful. They are known for being tricky and having sticky fingers. Vulpine usually live in small family groups.
Saurian (Lizard)- Saurians tend to be shy but curious. They are known for being cold-blooded and ruthless. Saurians usually live in tribes.
Ursine (Bear)- Ursine tend to be loyal but slow to trust. They are known for their tempers and property damage. Ursines usually live alone or at most a mother and cubs.
Costuming: Must have at least one aspect of the animal related to the beastial (i.e. scales for Saurians, fox ears or tail for Vulpine, Ears or claws for Ursine)
Skill points: 5
Background Points: 2
Availability: Uncommon
Appearance: Dwarves tend to be short and stocky. They are a densely built race. Culturally they connect beards, for men, and hair for women, to their honor and vanity and will grow them out and decorate them with metal and jewels.
Personality: Dwarves have a clan-based society. They tend to stay with their own but have been known to leave their communities. They are known for being vain and distrustful of any who are not dwarves. Tordirn is the only city in all the dwarven empire that outsiders are allowed to enter. Tordirn is located under Delbin.
Costuming: Males should have beards. Women should have long hair.
Elves (Day)-
Skill points: 5
Background Points: 2
Availability: Common
Appearance: Most Day elves have pointed ears and antlers that grow in a color that represents their sept. Some have been known to shave down their antlers for convenience, but for most this process is too painful or embarrassing to do.
Personality: Day elves tend to worship Mala as the kind mother of creation. They live in harmony with all the races of the islands, except the night elves. They tend to think of the community as a whole before they think of themselves.
Costuming: Antlers (ivory for the War Sept, red for the Mage Sept, and gold for the Diplomat Sept), and pointed ears.
Elves (Night)-
Skill points: 5
Background Points: 2
Availability: Uncommon
Appearance: Most Day elves have pointed ears and antlers that grow in a color that represents their sept. Some have been known to shave down their antlers for convenience, but for most this process is too painful or embarrassing to do.
Personality: Night elves tend to worship Mala as the stern matriarch of the wilderness. Most of the others see the night elves as being dark or evil. They see themselves as being superior to all other sentient life-forms on the islands.
Costuming: Antlers (brown for the Legionnaires, blue for the Invokers, and silver for the Nobles)
Elves (Wood)-
Skill points: 6
Background Points: 2
Availability: Common
Appearance: The only defining factor of a Wood Elf is their pointed ears. Culturally most of them wear a leaf prominently to represent their connection to the sept of the ancestors.
Personality: The most common personality trait of the Elves is their ability to adapt to the culture around them. Because of the extended period, their ancestors spent away from land their connection to the old forest septs is mostly symbolic in nature.
Costuming: Must wear a leaf to represent the sept of their ancestors. Pointed ears are encouraged.
Skill points: 3
Background Points: 1
Availability: Rare
Appearance: Fairies have a wide variety of appearances with a few commonalities. It is unclear of these are from something physical or just curtual. Fairies will either be dressed in mostly the color of their magic, have wings of that color, or both dress and have wings of that color.
Personality: The Fae have the shortest life span of all the creatures on the Forgotten Islands. It is believed that most of them live only a year before fading away into nothingness. It is also said they are made of magic itself. Fairies are divided into two main groups, Seelie and Unseelie. These courts are divided into colors of magic. Unseelie colors are Plant (green), Ground (brown), Death (black), Logic (orange),and Water (blue). The Seelie colors are Air (yellow), Celestial (purple), Life (white), Emotion (pink), and Fire (red).
Costuming: Must either be wearing completely the color of their fairy, or have wings of that color
Skill points: 5
Background Points: 1
Availability: Rare
Silva- The Silva tend to look like elves with brightly colored petals that grow from their skin.
Furvus- Because of their sensitivity to light Furvus wear many layers of clothing, but when their skin is exposed one will note circular patterns of earth tone colors.
Avium- Avium have green or black spines growing out of their skin. Depending on the family line these spikes can seem random or grow in patterns.
Silva- The Silvas are mostly found in Pedear and the Wildlands. They live in small family groups and can usually be found near some sort of fresh water. Because of the frail natures they usually stay away from towns and cities where they would be targets for attack.
Furvus- The Furvus can be found on most of the islands, but they tend to be a mostly subterranean race. They are a soft-spoken solitary race and usually rather good at hiding.
Avium- The Avium almost exclusively found in the deep deserts of Odesben. They live in tribal groups and travel the deserts looking for food and water. Made for the harsh climate of the desert they thrive where others perish. To the “civilized” people of Odesbin they are seen as purely a slave race. They rarely learn magic or other skills-based education.
Silva- Two different brightly colored petal designs on exposed skin.
Furvus- Makeup circles of alternating earth tones on exposed skin. Suggested is clothing that covers all of the skin or heavy hooded robes.
Avium- Black and green spike designs on exposed skin.
Skill points: 5
Background Points: 0
Availability: Uncommon
Appearance: Orcs have an extenuating brow compared to the other races. Culturally they tattoo their faces with tribal markings. Even those raised in “civilized” kingdoms tattoo their face.
Personality: The Orcs are a strong race that finds honor highly important. Orc tools are somewhat primitive, but they are strong and sturdy as the Orcs themselves. There are roughly twenty major tribes of Orcs with many smaller clans as well. Orc tribes tend to stay rooted in one area. They tend to worship the elemental gods or Leneara, Goddess of the Hunt.
Costuming: Tribal markings on the face, brow prosthetic welcome but not required.
Classes cost between 1 and 4 skill points depending on how powerful they are. It is important that players use all of their skill points at character creation, as any unused skill points go away once the character is played. A player can buy background points with skills points at a rate of 1 skill point for 3 background points. The following section is just a quick look at each class, the player can find further details in the Class section.
Skill Cost: 1
Artisans are unlike any other class offered in the Isles of the Forgotten King. They represent a wide array of different skills, from the crafting of potions to weaving elaborate tapestries. The main difference between an artisan and a simple craftsperson is the continued push towards more complex and amazing pieces and a mind wanting to understand how it all works. There are two ways for an artisan to level; they can either gain more skill in a path they already possess, or they can acquire a path they did not have before. At character creation, a player chooses three paths for their character to start with. They start play with one path at Apprentice, one at Noice, and the last at Journeyman.
Available Paths:
Metal Armor
Skill Cost: 2
Unguilded- Unguilded assassins are those who have chosen to risk doing such dangerous and illegal work alone. They must be more cunning than their guilded counterparts because every guild wants them dead. But they have more freedom than their guilded brothers because they have no one to listen to but themselves.
Silent Blades-The silent blades are an unforgiving group. It is made perfectly clear that if one either fails in a job or is caught by the authorities, it is preferable to take one’s own life then to give another silent blade the chance to catch up with them. This guild has a cell structure. A new recruit only knows the code name of their cell’s leader and how to get messages to that person. A cell leader knows the names of all the members of their cell and the code name of their division leader. A division leader knows all of the names of the cell leaders under him, how many in each cell, and the code name of their contact. This goes on for several more generations until one gets to the guild master.
Malice- This assassins guild has a long and sordid history as poison experts. The guild is based out of the desert kingdom of Odesben, and some of the higher members even hold prestigious government positions.
Skill Cost: 2
Berserker- Berserkers are those who can for some reason or another tap the most primal instincts of their race to gain strength and stamina in battle. Some are born with these abilities while others are cursed or blessed with them later in life.
Defender- Trained in the art of protection, they are the shield men who protect the village. They tend to be selfless and disciplined since most of their skill goes into the protection of others.
Mystic Warrior- A Mystic Warrior studies the art of fighting magic and those who wield it. In a world saturated with magic these warriors are not looked upon with favor. Those who begin the study of this art usually have a very good reason to turn their back on the rest of society.
Paladin- Paladins are the chosen warriors of their gods. Slightly different than priests they are gifted with skills that help them to fight their god's enemies. Like priests, they must strictly abide by their god's dogma or risk losing these abilities.
Rangers- A Ranger is someone who has learned to survive in the wilderness alone. They can live off the land. Some do this to protect the wild, others learn to explore the deep forests, and still, others simply learn so they may make a living at hunting the beasts that roam the islands.
Sailor- Sailors are those who work best on the sea. All of them know how to man a ship. Some learned their skills in the navy, or on a merchant ship, others learned their skills in less legal conditions. Their fighting style tends to be agile but crude.
Specialist- A specialist is someone who has spent his or her entire life studying and perfecting the use of one weapon. This discipline takes someone of intense focus.
Skill Cost: 4
Unguilded- Those skilled in the use of magic that do not belong to a guild. They are as different from each other as any two strangers.
Bringers of logic- This guild believes that Orange or Logic magic is the purest color in the spectrum, which is why they study it strictly and exclusively. They are also the only order in which it is mandatory that their members carry a spell book.
Brotherhood of the Mighty Fist- These magi are really nothing more than mercenaries with spells. There are those with a code of honor but for the most part, they will use their abilities for the highest bidder. They are one of the youngest orders.
Children of the Divine Truth- All within this order have lost touch with reality. They all specialize in a whole court of magic, but not all in the same one. At first look, they do not seem like a cohesive group. But when one looks closer it is seen that they often work together for a common purpose, even if that purpose makes no sense to onlookers.
Daughters of The Grave- It is said that this order originated in Odesben where women do not have much power over their own lives. The head of the order is said to be the same woman who founded it over three hundred years ago. This order is completely female and is known to practice necromantic magic.
Guild of the Sacred Dance- This is a nomadic mage order that most other magi shun as a savage throwback of a barbaric time. Originally from the Wildlands, they still have a large presence there. They are also closer to a family or tribe than an actual order. It is hard for outsiders to gain entrance into this order, but it has been done. They speak no words of power while casting their spell, but instead tattoo these words onto their skin.
Order of the Shining Light- Said to be one of the oldest orders still active on the islands. There are rumors this order predates the Forgotten King and that they alone know his name. They are collectors of information but givers of none. They are especially good at performing arcane rituals.
Order of the Unyielding Line- The royal mage guild of Delbin. They are called peacekeepers but most truly see them as an oppressive bully. Disliked by most but obeyed and respected by all just the same, at least to their faces.
Seekers of Lost Knowledge- Unlike most guilds, this one is rather open with their knowledge. They are the only order that freely teaches their magic to others. The only thing they are not completely up front with is a mysterious mission they all are said to be on. The order will not reveal what they are looking for or trying to do.
The Guardians- This group can only be called a guild in the loosest sense of the word. They do not gather together but have a common goal to protect those places that are still wild. They do not like civilization and it is said they keep the company of plants and animals of all kinds.
Skill Cost: 3
Mala- Mother of the gods, for most of the islands she is considered caring and benevolent. In Sonterios she is the strict matriarch who cares about strength above compassion. She is the Goddess of the earth and of life. She is almost always seen as an old woman looking over the world.
Pernus- First child of Mala he is the god of air and weather. Usually seen as a child with bright yellow eyes. Unruly when he doesn’t get his way and sweet and kind when he does.
Freya- Freya is the woman they spoke of when they said, “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned”. She is the goddess of fire and destruction and tends to be a bit temperamental. It is said she is also one of the most seductive of women when she wishes to be. This goddess is seen as a beautiful woman, with dark hair and red eyes.
Nen- Nen is the god of water and decay. To some he brings life, but to others, he is the harbinger of death. He appears as either a wise bare-footed old man, whose footprints fill with water or as a sinister litch that brings death with a wave of his hand.
Marcus- Marcus is the god of the moon, light, power, and magic. Much to his dismay, he is the twin brother of Solice. He is the creator of The Storm. Seen as evil by all cultures of the isles, they must respect him nonetheless. Any country that outlaws his priesthood finds The Storm quite unreliable around their lands. He is always seen as a mage shrouded in darkness.
Solice- Solice is the god of the sun, light, and justice. Much to his dismay, he is the twin brother of Marcus. He believes in the unwavering pursuit to banish evil and darkness from the world. He is seen as a shining paladin in golden armor.
Lillia- is the goddess of love and the stars. Some cultures see her as the innocent maiden that Marcus stole away from his brother in the night. Others see her as the harlot that seduced both brothers for her own ends. She is always depicted as a beautiful young woman.
Draxuz- Draxus is the god of order. He is strict and uncompromising. He is a neutral god, supporting whoever is the most disciplined. It is said that he was once a golem made by Thurn, and when he is depicted it is always in that form.
Chaos- The chaos god has no name; or rather it has too many names to count. Chaos is just that, chaotic. It never seems to appear in the same shape twice, or use the same name. It has no temples because its priesthood has no organization for obvious reasons.
Adaly- Adaly is the goddess of war and wisdom. Her followers tend to be leaders and generals. She is considered a neutral goddess because she tends to have followers on both sides of every battle. She is usually depicted as an old hag holding the crown of Forgotten King.
Thurn- Thurn is the god of mortal’s cunning; he is the one the inventor worships for inspiration. His domains are smithing, alchemy, and building. He is usually depicted as a dwarf working in his forge.
The Ladies- The Ladies are the twin goddesses of balance of good and evil, life and death. They are almost always worshiped together, respecting each other and living in harmony. Some zealous factions of both the day elves and the night elves worship them separately. They are usually depicted as twins, one dressed in all black, one in all white.
Civan- He is the god of vengeance in all its forms, from righteous anger to underhanded treachery. He tends to be very single-minded when he has a goal. He is usually depicted as a handsome man in dark armor, brooding over his next plot.
Natara- Natara is the goddess of trickery and lies. Respecting cunning above all else, she is mostly worshiped by thieves and assassins. Though she is always depicted as female she wears whatever face suits her purposes that day. Most cultures have outlawed their worship.
Leneara- Leneara is the goddess of predators. She is a hunter, wild and free as the beasts. As the rest of the gods have their place in the heavens, she is said to spend most of her time on the land. She is usually depicted as an Orcish woman with cat’s eyes.
Ashling- Ashling is the newest goddess to join the group. Only a few years old many don’t recognize her as a power of her own. For those that do she is the daughter of Mala and the goddess or trees, beauty, and poison.
Skill Cost: 2
Cutpurse- Cutpurses are not just those who steal what is not theirs. Any thug can do that. They are true thieves that have a set of skills that allow them to steal without being caught. Most towns and cities have a thief’s guild but as of yet none have gained power beyond the borders of their village or city.
Spy- The men and women of this profession are those can go completely unnoticed in a crowd. They are the ones you can slip between the cracks of any security undetected and find the information their employers desire. Many of them work for one of the kingdoms of the isles, but some are freelance and will work for the highest bidder.
Con Artist- Con Artists are the masters of deception and glib. They use their silver tongues to convince others to do things they normally wouldn’t or to give in to deals that are usually too good to be true. It’s said that an expert con man can talk the queen out of her knickers.
Skill Cost: 3
The Mender- Those with the natural ability to heal and take the pain from another are known as Menders. Due to the way their abilities work it is rare to see a Mender harm another living creature. Any pain felt by a living being within 20 feet of the Mender is also felt by the Mender themselves.
The Witness- Those with the abilities known as “The Witness” can perceive the world far beyond the average person. They are racked with visions of past, present, and future.
The Blade- The Blade are those with this ability to use their power in battle, they almost seem like magi on occasion to the untrained eye. They have the ability to protect as well as destroy which makes them the most feared of all the Unlinked.
Backgrounds cost between 0 and 6 points depending on how beneficial or rare it is. A player can buy background points with skills points at a rate of 1 skill point for 3 background points. The following section is a complete list of backgrounds and a short description of how that affects the character. Some backgrounds are forward where others will require a conversation with the GM to pinpoint details.
Financial backgrounds are directly connected to monetary gain or those things a character would do with their coin.
Point Cost: 3
Your character owns a small business, can get some income from it, and have some connections through it. However, it requires upkeep through roleplay time, BGAs and possible game time requirements. Neglecting a business will lose this background.
Point Cost: 1
Your character owns a home on or near the island of Ashling.
Steady Income-
Point Cost: 1
Whether through a job, land, or allowance, you draw in five coins per game. This may be taken multiple times, gaining five additional coin per game each time. However the more times it is taken the more a character will be likely to be called upon by whoever is providing these funds. Even with 1 level taken it must come with a reason the character is gaining this money.
Point Cost: 1
Your character has had a previous fortune, perhaps an inheritance, adventuring, or their savings from before, and begin game with an additional 30 coin. This may be taken multiple times, starting with 30 additional coins each time.
Knowledge backgrounds are those that grant access to direct knowledge of something or basic knowledge on how to do a task of some kind. They do not represent any social connection or how the character received this knowledge
Point Cost: 1
Your character starts the game with the knowledge of a language beyond what they would normally have access to. This may be taken multiple times, choosing a new language each time.
Arcane- The academic language of magic
Arcane (Seellie)- The language of the Seellie Fae
Arcane (Unseellie)- The language of the Unseellie Fae
Celestial- The language of the Gods
Draconic- The language of Dragons
Dwarven- The language of the Dwarves
Elven- The language of the Day and Night Elves
Goblinoid- The language of the Goblins
Orcish- The language of the Orcs. This language is spoken only.
Trollish- The language of the Trolls. This language is spoken only.
Point Cost: 1
Your character starts with knowledge about a land, religion, profession, or class that is not their own. This gives you access to the starting knowledge sheet to a class, god, guild, race or country that is not otherwise connected to your character. This can be taken multiple times choosing a new sheet each time.
Professional Talent-
Point Cost: 1
Your character has real-world skills, such as carpentry, that allows them to complete tasks that one of that profession would be able to and allows to seek employment using it. This may be taken multiple times, choosing a new profession each time.
Magical backgrounds represent either something strange or special about the character or possession of theirs. Most of the time whatever oddness the character has had was because of something since birth or because they have run into the mystical forces of the world previously.
Point Cost: 2-6
Somehow your character has gotten their hands on a powerful magical item. This can be anything from a sword that does fire type damage to a ring that allows you to become invisible. The cost of this background is highly dependant on the power and usefulness of the artifact and requires a conversation with the GM.
Dry Mage-
Point Cost: 6
A Dry Mage is someone who has the potential to learn to wield the magical forces known as the storm. Most end up becoming full magi, others just use the benefits of being magical without bothering to learn any spells. As a Dry Mage one starts the game as a level 0 mage. This means they can use wind towards things like rituals and on magical objects without a magi’s help. To become a full mage one must learn a spell and level from 0 to 1. If one starts the game as a Dry Mage they do not get the starting spells at level 1.
Point Cost: 4
Your character was either born with or gained the gift of prophecy sometime in their life. They have no control over the power and it tends to feel more like they are a tool of the fates. It can be a blessing and a curse, but you get visions of future events.
Social backgrounds are those that grant access to social networks and communities. These backgrounds are focused on connections to other people and the benefits of those connections.
Point Cost: 2
Whether it is an old knight who taught them how to fight or knowing an official to bribe, the character has someone or a community turns to for help. This background can be taken multiple times. With each time it is taken represents either an additional contact or raises the influence of contact.
Guild Membership-
Point Cost: 1
Your character is a member of a guild. This can represent one of the assassin’s guilds, mage orders, artisan guilds, or even the merchant guilds of Delbin. Guilds are an automatic connection to a community within the world. Orcs may not take this background unless it is in connection to the Guild of the Sacred Dance.
Guild/Order Status-
Point Cost: 3
Your character is a notable person inside a guild or religious order they are a member of. They must first gain membership through the Guild Membership benefit or through either the Priest class or Paladin path. Their opinion matters to the guild, and they have significant connections and resources with them.
Point Cost: 2
Your character is the lowest rank noble from their home country. This does not come with any income or lands but is about the connections and the respect it demands. If they are from the Wildlands, you must choose the tribe your character is a part of. If they are from any nation other than the Wildlands, you may take this up to two additional times, upgrading your rank by one step each time. The more points spent in this background the more it has a chance to take up in game and BGA time, but two and three ranks will also grant income.