Isles of the Forgotten King
The Islands of the Forgotten King are divided into several unique kingdoms and territories. The following page is a more detailed description if what to exspect in these areas of our map.
Delbin is located on the largest island of the Islands of the Forgotten King. It is in the center of the group of islands and shares sea borders with every other land. Aside from the main island, there are eight smaller islands within the territory. The common Delbinian tends to be very nationalistic and has an active moral code. Farmers and craftsmen are held with high regard within the country.
Climate: Delbin's humidity ranges from warm to temperate; the farther south, the colder the weather. In the mild areas, it is colder in winter and can get very hot in the summer.
Terrain: Delbin is split by a vast mountain range. Much of the remaining land is rolling hills with a few flat planes. One cannot travel far within this kingdom before running into active farmlands and orchards.
Government: Delbin is a monarchy, but because of the craftsmen roots of the kingdom, there are also three powerful merchant guilds; The Turquoise Hand, The Counting House, and Link’s Trading Company. In previous administrations, these guilds held nearly as much political sway as the Regional Dukes, if not more. Ever since King Elgin III took the throne, they have been losing political clout. This change has been good for small companies and the ordinary person, but those who line their pockets with funds from one of these guilds are not pleased with the changes.
Ruler: King Yestin Warrick Elgin III
Religion: The church of Solice is the most powerful religion in the country. There are no strictly outlawed religions within Delbin, but those who follow Marcus or Natara tend to find themselves untrusted and unwelcome in communities.
Education: Most male citizens get a fair education until the age of 16. Females’ education is decided by the individual families, so their knowledge is much more varied. Noblewomen are more likely to be well educated. Further education comes from joining a church or guild.
Culture: Delbinian Culture is centered on agriculture, with feudal lords allowing serfs to farm the land for a share of their crops in taxes but also administering to the health and wellbeing of said serfs. As many of the citizens of Delbin are elves, they follow traditions of honoring and respecting the sacred sept tree of their ancestors.
Languages: Elven
Allies: Pedear
Enemies: Odesben
Population: 60% Elves, 30% Day Elf, 10% Other
The word kingdom is only used for the Dwarven lands when a citizen travels in the overland. A much more apt term would be “Dwarven Empire”, as they are made up of five separate kingdoms. Each kingdom is ruled according to their own traditions that vary from one another. Little however is known of the Dwarven Empire due to the somewhat xenophobic attitude of the Dwarves. What is known of their Underground Empire is that it extends under all of the known isles and that they are often in conflict with Soterios because of this. The only place the dwarves allow outsiders is the City of Tordire. Here, all manner of goods is traded with the world above in great halls of stone.
Climate: Because the dwarven nations span such a large area in all directions they have no unified climate.
Terrain: The terrain of the dwarves occupy is something that is not often spoken of. Only those who live within the mountain know the truth of the Black Sea. Dwarven kingdoms are built into huge columns that span a gigantic cavern under the islands of the Forgotten King.
Government: The Dwarven Empire is lead by a parliament of thanes, every hundred years the group elects the High Thane of the Empire. Each kingdom’s Thane is chosen in different ways, but mostly it is an inherited position.
Ruler: High Thane Delrick Heavyshield
Religion: The churches of Mala, Thurn, and Nen are the most powerful religions in these countries. There are no religions outlawed or unwelcome.
Education: Most education a dwarf receives is from his or her clan. Many clans focus on a particular trade or craft skill, so those within that clan are mostly taught the family trade. The only expectations to this are those who enter a religious order or are gifted in some way that is outside the trade of the family.
Culture: Dwarven culture is centered on trade skills. Honor is gained from one's own deeds and crafts as well as the deeds and crafts of one's ancestors. For this reason, important deeds of one's own, and those of their ancestors become a part of a dwarf's name.
Languages: Dwarven
Allies: None
Enemies: Soterios
Population: 99.9% Dwarf, .1% Other
Located on the second largest island of the Islands of the Forgotten King, Odesben is known most for the great desert at the heart of the island. The southernmost island, it shares its borders with Deblin and Pedear. The Kingdom consists not only of the central island but seven smaller islands besides. The people of Odesben are broken into economic castes, with slaves filling the lowest rungs while nobility fills the highest.
Climate: Odesben’s climate ranges from cool to hot depending on both location and time of day; the farther north the cooler the climate. Also like most deserts, the night time temperatures can drop considerably.
Terrain: Odesben is mostly flat with both rock and sand deserts. There are some larger rock formations in the southern areas that are deadly to climb.
Government: Odesben is a monarchy run on the backs of a strict caste system. It is nearly impossible to move upward in station, but much more likely to move downward. Women can rarely hold power or property in this nation.
Ruler: Sultan Katung Zortarna
Religion: The church of Marcus the most powerful religion in the country. The worship of Solice and Nen have been outlawed. Up until the reign of Katung’s father, Nen was highly revered in this desert nation. Solice has never had power in this country.
Education: One's education greatly depends on their caste. Noble and merchant castes receive the best education while labor castes receive little to none. Females tend to have no education beyond learning how to read, and only noble and merchant woman learn that.
Culture: In Odesben society wealth and power are the basis for honor. As slaves and women cannot hold either of these things they are considered to have no honor of their own, but they share in the honor of their families and owners.
Languages: Elven
Allies: Soterios
Enemies: Delbin
Population: 70% Elves, 20% Orc, 7% Night Elf, 3% Other
Pedear is the Day Elven nation and is located on the northernmost island of the Isles of the Forgotten King. It shares its mountainous northern border with Soterios, and disputes often break out between the mirrored nations. Not as interested in expansion as its allies and neighbors, Pedear only claims six smaller islands near its main borders. A very socialist society, other races have a hard time acclimating to their customs. Those odd Day Elf citizens who struggle with the extremely balance-oriented way of life often leave to become adventures or simply settle down in other countries.
Climate: Pedear’s average temperature ranges from mid-seventies to below zero depending on the time of year and the how high in the mountains one is. They receive seasonal rainfall that feeds their thick and ancient forests.
Terrain: Pedear is covered in a dense forest. Towns and cities tend to be built up in the treetops. A vast mountain range expands the north border leading into Soterios.
Government: Pedear is a Meritocracy with a socialist economic and social system. The government run by a ruling council made entirely of Diplomat Sept Day Elves, and lead by an Adjudicator elected from within the council.
Ruler: Diplomat Valmil Adjudicator
Religion: The church of The Ladies is the most powerful religion in the nation. They are honored for separating the Day Elves from their more sinister side, the Night Elves. Many Pedearians follow Mala, but there are no restrictions on following any of the gods.
Education: All citizens receive a public education until adulthood, then apprentice or train with a Master of whatever profession they wish to enter.
Culture: A socialist society with a strong moral code. Contributing to the community is seen as most valuable thing one can do, and those who cannot contribute are still taken care of. Rivalries and quarrels still happen at every level of society, but only because individuals disagree on what is best for the overall community. Greed is considered the highest taboo among the Day Elves of Pedear.
Languages: High Elven
Allies: Delbin
Enemies: Soterios
Population: 80% Day Elf, 10% Elf, 8% Beastial 2% Other
Soterios is the Night Elven nation and is located on the northernmost island of the Isles of the Forgotten King. It shares its mountainous southern border with Pedear, and disputes often break out between the mirrored nations. As a kingdom, they are always looking for new sources of raw materials and slaves. Soterios has expanded the furthest into the Wildlands and over the last few generations claiming large chunks of its land. They have conquered eight islands spreading out from their mainland and eagerly looks to both Pedear and the Wildlands for their next expansion.
Climate: Soterios’ average temperature ranges from mid-seventies to below zero depending on the time of year and the how high in the mountains one is. They receive seasonal rainfall that feeds their thick and ancient forests.
Terrain: Soterios is covered in a dense forest. Towns and cities tend to be built from the treetop down deep into the land. A vast mountain range expands the south border leading into Pedear.
Government: Soterios has a monarchy, which is run by five great houses: Byros, Dalvir, Ellinos, Haalsil, Oros and several more minor ones. The stronger the house, the more influence they have over the country. The balance of power between these houses tends to fluctuate from one generation to the next.
Ruler: Empress Dimiatra Ellinos Ellinos Noble of Soterios
Religion: The church of Mala is the most powerful religion in the country. She is seen as a strick and cold matronly figure by the Soterians. There are no outlawed or unwelcome religions in Soterios, though churches tend to have a more feminine focused feel within their borders.
Education: All education is provided by one's family, house, or sept.
Culture: A matriarchal society with strong family traditions, most Soterians are very nationalistic and look down on all other kingdoms. Rivalries between families and Houses are typical, but there is an unspoken etiquette to even this. They see themselves as the height of civilization with everyone else in the world stumbling to catch up.
Languages: High Elven
Allies: Odesben
Enemies: Pedear, Dwarven
Population: 60% Night Elves, 20% Day Elves, 10% Dwarves, 5% Elves, 5% Other
The Wildlands is located on several of the western islands of the Isles of the Forgotten King. Some would say it is the hottest. Active volcanoes and hot springs feed a large and thriving jungle. This mostly untamed wilderness has not changed much since the fall of the Forgotten King’s empire. The people of this land are separated and have no truly unifying structure.
Climate: The Wildlands have a very hot climate due to the thick jungles and natural forming hot springs located across the islands. The temperatures range between the high eighties and the low hundreds.
Terrain: Thick jungles seem to devour the land. It is known to be full of ancient temples and structures that are almost impossible to find in the unforgiving terrain.
Government: The Wildlands is separated into tribes. There are seven main tribes within these lands and many smaller groups that usually pay some kind of tribute to the more powerful tribes. The seven main tribes are the Bloodvine, Fangbright, Fireborn, Mubgrump, Overblade, Proudhill, Reefwind, Sacred Dance, and Thorngorge.
Ruler: There is no overall leader of these lands.
Religion: Those in the wildlands tend to fallow the more primal gods such as Mala, Freya, Nen, Pernus, and Leneara. Civan is also a prominent god in these savage lands.
Education: Survival is the most important lesson of this land. The closest thing to true education is reserved for those who are chosen for religious positions.
Culture: Those who live in the Wildlands have no real common culture. They live in tribal groups and most of their life involves nothing more than survival.
Languages: Orcish, Tribal Languages
Allies: None
Enemies: All
Population: 70% Orc, 20% Elven, 10% Other